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Archive for Phd Scholarship

DAAD-Scholarships 2009-2010 for Professionals Postgraduate with Relevance to Developing Countries

Beasiswa DAAD-Scholarships for Selected Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2009-2010 is provided by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries (including Indonesia) with further specialised studies.
University graduates who have been working for two years in the public or private sector in technical, economical or agricultural fields, in education or development planning are eligible for these grants. The 42 courses differ in respect to fields of study, language and entry requirements. The age limit for the courses is 32 for Doctoral and 36 years for Master programme.

The funds for these scholarships are provided by the Federal Ministry for Economics Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Due to the limited number of DAAD scholarships for its courses, not all applicants accepted for studies by the German universities can be supported. Therefore, institutions are also encouraged to nominate candidates, whose studies they are willing to finance out of their staff development budget. In this case, an accompanying letter with according statements is necessary for the applicant.
The DAAD supports these selected programmes with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programmes run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.

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Master and PhD Scholarship Programmes at University of Oslo

The Norwegian government offers some scholarship programmes for international students interested in studying in Norway. Please note that these scholarships are only available for postgraduate students on the master and Ph.D. levels, and are very competitive. See below for more information about these programmes. There are no scholarships available for bachelor degree students.

Also, grants and scholarships may be available through short-term mobility programmes. Usually, these are grants that are awarded automatically if you are admitted to the programme. For more information about this, please see our web page for exchange programmes and bilateral agreements.

If you are not qualified for any of these scholarships, you may be eligible for other scholarships offered by public or private institutions in your home country. Unfortunately, the University of Oslo is unable to help you with information about this.

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PhD Scholarship in Operations Management at Copenhagen Business School

The Department of Operations Management invites applications for a vacant PhD scholarship within or preferably across the departments areas of expertise which comprise Operations Management, Performance Management, Supply Chain Management, and Innovation Management.

The departments research is typically related to questions about the relevance and functioning of techniques and/or procedures for managing the firms activities.
Examples of recent research include lean manufacturing, state-gate models and project design for innovation management, balanced scorecard and KPI for supply management, non-financial performance for product and process development, lean manufacturing and lean accounting, managing suppliers in 1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers, new manufacturing models in small and medium sized firms, indicators and strategy for social responsibility, accounting calculations as coordination and incentive mechanisms, inter-organisational control systems, and budgeting practices.
The departments research is typically empirical, often with the use of qualitative methods drawing on case based approaches, but there is no theory preference.

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